Jefit Advanced Routine
JefitTeam avatar JefitTeam
Feb 6th 2013

Jefit Advanced Routine

DOWNLOADS/VIEWS: 6376/158040

8 DAYS - Bulking - Advanced

Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

This is the JEFIT Advanced Routine that is designed for individuals you have had a year or more worth of lifting experience or looking to step up their workout from beginner or intermediate routines.

If you are looking to use this routine as your default routine, your main focus is to perform this routine for 8 to 12 weeks to ensure optimal muscle gains, growth and strength.

It is a 5 day split routine that focuses upon building muscle and targeting each muscle group separately on their own day, along with mixing in abdominal exercises at the end of the workout.

** Chest - On chest day you will focus upon targeting your upper and lower pecs, developing fullness and definition.

** Shoulders - With shoulders you will target the deltoids and traps while building size and strength.

** Legs - On legs day you will focus on the Quad, Hamstring and Calf muscles. For these three muscles your main target will be development, separation, growth and definition of each muscle.

** Arms - During arms day you will be working out the biceps, triceps, and forearms. For biceps you will focus on the head of the bicep, building thickness and definition. Triceps will target all 3 heads of the muscle building on thickness, growth and separation.

** Back - With back day you will be focusing upon the upper and lower back muscles developing thickness, definition and separation of the little muscles

** Cardio has been added into this routine and can be performed twice a week for 45 - 60 minutes followed by a 5 minute cool down.

While you are performing each exercise you will start off with a weight that you are able to do for 15 reps and with each set you will increase the weight and decrease the reps, as in a bulking routine. But rather than focusing on bulking up the muscles, with this routine you will focus on isolation, slow and precise movements to target the little muscles and get full benefits from performing this routine.

With Ab exercises that are listed as "undefined" this means the maximum amount that you are able to perform for this set and on the final set of the exercise you want to perform it until failure.

*** Notes : With this routine diet is key, you want to eat and have a clean and healthy diet to attain optimal and best gains possible.

Intensity and focusing on the motions/movements of each exercise will help target and build the little muscles of each body part.

You can superset exercises if you would like to keep up the intensity of this routine along with the pump within your muscles.