From Fat to Fit (3-Month Plan)
JefitTeam avatar JefitTeam
Mar 20th 2023

From Fat to Fit (3-Month Plan)

DOWNLOADS/VIEWS: 11986/651930

7 DAYS - Cutting - Advanced

Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

This is an advanced cutting routine designed to help individuals increase their workout heart rate intensity and metabolic rate. This, in turn, will help to stimulate fat loss.

In this advanced routine you will be working out 6 to 7 days a week for short-term fat loss and long-term becoming more lean.

This routine will be performed for 3 months, as this is optimal time to confuse your body into this new exercise program and trigger fat loss and an eventual increase in strength.

There is a mix of bodyweight, dumbbell, weighted and core exercises used in this routine to work and build your major muscle groups.

Each day of the routine will focus on a major body part, a mixture of various core exercises and cardio to help the burn calories and excess fat storage in the body

You may institute a rest day into your routine schedule if you feel that training 7 days a week is too excessive.

Cardio in the beginning of the workout day should be performed as a warm-up to get your heart rate up and loosen the muscles before the workout at hand. The final cardio of the day is used to burn even more calories for optimal fat loss.

*** Note :

As to any cutting routine, diet is KEY. You need to eat a healthy, clean and strict diet to maintain proper calorie intake to stimulate the fat loss you are looking for. Heavy carbs and processed foods should be stayed away from at all costs while trying to lose weight. You can have a carb heavy meal once a week to help spark an increase in metabolic rate.

You can substitue in exercise balls for any bench exercises if you are looking to build your abs and core more. This will help with gaining more balance and stability.

For the plank exercises you will want to hold onto the plank position for a count of 60 to 90 seconds; this will help strengthen and tighten the core muscles.