I recently traveled in a 12 hr difference time zone and my sleep schedule is consistently inconsistent. does anyone have any tips on how to get back on track?
View sunrises and sunsets. Eat, exersices, ect-regular-things at the time of day you want to be doing them at (the clock based time, not when your body feels it is correct).
Melatonin, don’t overdo it. 1-5 mg is enough, take as your laying down. Don’t try to wait for it to “kick in”. Watch the sunrise and sunset, use an uv light indoors during the daytime. Hydrate as you wake, and exercise. Will help to reset your circadian rhythm.
It's just what happens. 12 hours is brutal no matter what. Melatonin, or some kind of mild sedative, to go to sleep. Caffeine to stay awake. Working out hard a few hours before you're supposed to go to sleep might help (you're tired and no longer hyped up from the workout). Also a quick fast-paced workout in the morning to get the heart rate up and the blood flowing might help too. I did a 7 hour time zone change recently and it still took a couple weeks to feel normal again. 12 hours could take a month or two. I think the rule of thumb is 1-2 days per hour difference. Of course, longer as you get older.
À simple solution works for me, I fight the urge to sleep, stay awake a whole day, by the time is slumber time the following day, I'm ready to sleep and then I'm all good after that
most protein sources like milk, eggs, meats, beans etc. have melatonin in them. so eating these will make you sleepy.
plus stay awake from any devices for an hour before you plan to sleep. Cheers
plus stay awake from any devices for an hour before you plan to sleep. Cheers