Bodyweight Circuit Training
JefitTeam avatar JefitTeam
Feb 8th 2013

Bodyweight Circuit Training

DOWNLOADS/VIEWS: 2203/173355

Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

Circuit training was designed to perform a set amount of exercises in a row (circuit) without any rest in between each set of the exercise.

In this Jefit Bodyweight Circuit Routine, the main focus upon this routine is to build strength and increase muscle endurance but also maintaining a lean physique.

After completing the first circuit, you will take a 45 second rest period and then repeat the same circuit 3 more times for a total of 4 circuits performed.

You will be targeting all of the main muscle group through 8 various multi-joint exercises that help strengthen and build the muscles.

The key to any circuit training routine is to make sure that you do not rest in between sets or in between exercises until you complete all of the exercises in the circuit. This will keep your metabolic rate up ensuring that you burn as many calories as possible without sacrificing strength.

*** Notes :

Loosening up your joints/muscles is key to prevent injury and stay warmed up throughout the entire circuit.

If you perform exercises too quickly or not to full repetition, you can possibly injure yourself or not get the full benefit of performing this circuit routine.